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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Public Health

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union is the main source of comparable EU data. Heath data is based on the framework regulation on health statistics and derived legal acts. Other sources may complement EU health data on very specific topics.

Eurostat – main source of EU health data

Eurostat provides two kinds of health data, Administrative, such as cause of death statistics and self-reported data from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) or the Minimum European Health Module (MEHM) of the EU-SILC survey. Themes covered by these include:

  • Health status
  • Health determinants
  • Health care expenditure
  • Health care resources and activities
  • Causes of death
  • Health and safety at work.

Eurostat health data is often complemented by other EU statistics on social data, population, or quality of life. EU statistics sourced from administrative data are usually available by sex and age group.

Data from surveys are grouped by socio-economic status such as education and income, level, activity status, degree of urbanisation, etc. Some EU statistics are also broken down by regional or urban level.

Commission services, other sources of EU health data

Relevant databases

International Classification

Classification systems are tools which allow for harmonised data registration so that comparable data can be obtained. Shortlists may be constructed on the basis of classification systems. The European Commission uses these to collect high-quality and harmonised data.

Main classification systems

Other classification systems