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Public Health

Research, Projects & Studies

The EU currently funds a large number of research projects tackling infectious diseases (ID), most of which are relevant to the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), given that this severely undermines our capacity to treat infectious diseases.

The Horizon 2020 programme has invested more than EUR 2.3 billion in ID and AMR research, in addition to this investments are made through the EU Health programme. Those EU-funded projects can be viewed in the inventory of the Global AMR R&D hub of which the Commission is one of the founding members.

The financial support provided through Horizon 2020 allows researchers to tackle the global problem of AMR in its many facets. Which includes for instance the development of new approaches for clinical management and prevention of resistant bacterial infections in high prevalence settings and the establishment of a European wide sustainable network for harmonised large-scale clinical research studies for infectious diseases.

The Commission also funds AMR research by joining forces with the industry or with its Member States. Examples of this are the AMR Accelerator programme of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) that alone has a budget of EUR 480 million, and the Joint Programming Initiative on AMR (JPIAMR) that supported by EU funding coordinates national research funding and supports collaborative action for filling knowledge gaps on AMR with a One Health perspective.

JPIAMR also includes a Virtual Research Institute (JPIAMR-VRI), a platform that aims to increase AMR research coordination, improve visibility of AMR research networks, research performing institutes/centres and infrastructures, and facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity development across the globe.

In 2021 AMR research has been given a new impetus.

Firstly, by the launch of the new framework programme for research Horizon Europe , which will provide novel funding opportunities and partnerships in which the Commission will join forces with its Member States to fund research on One Health AMR as well as animal health and welfare.

Secondly, by the establishment of the EU4Health programme that will invest in actions with an EU added value aiming to improve health, address cross border health threats, improve medicinal products, and strengthen health systems.

Thirdly, by the start of a transitional phase for the new European Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) which will become fully operational by early 2022. This authority will strengthen Europe’s ability to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to cross-border health emergencies and promote research and innovation to develop effective, safe and affordable medical countermeasures. AMR is one of the health threats to be dealt with by HERA.

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